Margaret’s Blanket

Solo show at Platform Bunker, Frederiksberg, DK. 10 June – 27 June 2021.

The combined video and sound installation Margaret’s Blanket is named after the computer scientist Margaret Hamilton who was responsible for programming the flight control software of the Apollo program. The installation represents constellations of light reflections of thousands of regularly spaced satellites in SpaceX’s Starlink network – and the stories that these patterns of “new stars” might form across the night sky.


Den kombinerede video- og lydinstallation Margaret’s Blanket har fået navn efter den amerikanske datalog Margaret Hamilton som var ansvarlig for udviklingen af flight control softwaren til Apollo-programmet. Installationen repræsenterer stjernebillederne som dannes af refleksioner fra tusindvis af satellitter i SpaceX’s Starlink netværk – og de historier der kan opstå med disse nye formationer på nattehimlen.

Supported by The Danish Arts Foundation