Corten steel, teak, LED lights, concrete permeable paving.
Location: Zealand, Maglegårdsvej 2, 4000 Roskilde, DK.
Helix has been inspired by the DNA chains in both form and function. DNA normally consists as a double helix, but in the process of replication, the double helix splits and becomes singular – this state can be seen as a parallel to the process of learning, where knowledge is replicated in order to be shared.
The placement of the artwork on the path is likewise an interpretation of education, where the students are onm their path through life, and for a while they are cared for and given new knowledge and experiences before continuing on their path. Helix also points to the history of the place as the former Slagteriernes Forskningsinstitut (could be translated as ‘Butcheries’ research institute’), and the shape might have a resemblance to the shape of a pigs tail.
Helix is made from untreated corten steel and sustainably sourced teak wood, with hidden LED strip lights between the wood planks. The light is programmed to follow the daylight and optimised to reduce the amount of energy used and to create minimal light pollution.
Thank you
Jørgen Esbensen · Zealand (Client)
Lone Schubert · Statens Kunstfond (Art consultant)
Julie Tvillinggaard Bonde og Mathilde Wendelboe · AiR – Art in Reality (project manager)
Troels Mikkelsen · Hesselaa Smedje & Maskinteknik (blacksmith)
Tue Selmer Friborg · Taintec (LED and light control)
Anders Christensen · Anders Christensen rådgivende ingeniører ApS (engineer)
Jacob Eriksen · Malmos (foundations and landscaping)
Nichlas Lieberkind · NL Tømrer og Snedker ApS (carpenter)
Rine Rodin · Rine Rodin Studio (sounding board and video)